Returns & Exchanges

How do Returns work?

To request a return, you must log into your customer account, go to the "My Orders and Invoices" section, select the order you wish to return (whether total or partial), and click the "Return Order" button.

If you encounter any issues during the process, you can contact Customer Service.


Frequently Asked Questions about Returns

Which products are eligible for a Return?

  • We only accept refunds of unused products in their original state and the same original packaging.
  • We will not accept machines which serial number has been registered on the manufacturer's website or their software downloaded. That is because once it is done, the machine gets permanently and irreversibly linked to the customer.  On most devices, you will be able to use a demo version that is free for 30 days. We recommend you try it before downloading the software.
  • In the By the Metre service, since the product has been handled, no refunds will be made except for product defects. In the case of textile vinyl, we do admit returns on the cutting service, provided that 5 or more metres have been purchased.
  • We do not accept returns of software products activated by code.


What should I do if I received a wrong or defective item?

Tell us about it by sending us an email to or through this form, and always stating your order number. We will contact you during business hours to manage the payment or the replacement. Freight will be at our expense.


What is the cost of a return?

  • In mainland Spain, if you received an item that was damaged in transit, defective, or if we made a mistake while preparing the package, we will send our transport agency to pick it up, and the return will be costless for you.
  • Outside of mainland Spain, you will have to ship the merchandise through your agency using the Incoterm "DDP Benimarfull", which means that all shipping and customs costs are paid by the customer.
  • If the reason for the return has not been caused by Brildor, you will have to send the goods through your agency and will be responsible for the shipping costs.


How will I receive my refund?

We will send you an email notifying you that we have received the merchandise. After that, our technical department will check its condition, and if everything is in order, you will receive the refund on your payment method within 4 to 8 days. If you prefer we can also add it to "My accounting credit" so you can use it on your next purchases.


Can I remove or change an item from my order?

To manage these changes, you will have to email us to or fill this form (subject "Comment about my Order"). 

  1. If the order is not yet in transit, it can be modified. Be aware that these changes may affect its delivery time and its shipping cost.
  2. If the order has already left, changes will be processed as a partial refund. Be aware that this will generate additional transportation costs.


Can I cancel an on-demand order?

For orders with items produced on demand, cancellation is not possible if the product is already in the production stage. Therefore, the amount paid for production is not refundable because products manufactured on demand cannot be sold.