The cover combines 2 textures: polyester corduroy on the top and recycled PU leather-like finish on the bottom
Only the corduroy is sublimable
Textile bookmark similar to satin in a tone matching the notebook
Cream-coloured pages
Can also be customised with other techniques such as screen printing, UV DTF or vinyl
When sublimating, leave the lower PU leather part out of the press to avoid damage. It is not heat resistant
The colour of the notebooks will blend with the image you wish to print. To minimise this effect, choose designs with dark colours
During sublimation, marks may appear on the fabric. To remove them, it is recommended to brush the sublimated area after pressing
Notebook (cm)
14.5 x 21
Printable area (corduroy) (cm)
14.5 x 13.5
Bookmark (cm)
0.7 x 27.5
Weight (g)
Parameters indicated as guidelines. It is recommended to conduct preliminary tests to make necessary adjustments before starting production.
Print the design in mirror mode
Heat the press to 200 ºC
Place the notebook on the press base and the printed side of the paper on the notebook side you wish to sublimate. Secure it with heat-resistant tape to prevent movement
Close the press with medium-high pressure for 45 seconds
Using a protective glove, remove the freshly printed notebook
Carefully remove the paper
Allow the notebook to cool by placing weight on it to prevent loss of flatness or deformation of the covers Corduroy A5 Notebooks<p><a name="know-more"></a></p>
<h2>More information about the Sublimable Corduroy A5 Notebooks</h2>
<p> </p>
<p>> <a href="#know-more1">Description</a></p>
<p>> <a href="#know-more2">Things to keep in mind</a></p>
<p>> <a href="#know-more3">Measurements</a></p>
<p>> <a href="#know-more5">Recommended sublimation instructions and parameters</a></p>
<p> </p>
<p><a name="know-more1"></a></p>
<li>The cover combines 2 textures: polyester corduroy on the top and recycled PU leather-like finish on the bottom</li>
<li>Only the corduroy is sublimable</li>
<li>Textile bookmark similar to satin in a tone matching the notebook</li>
<li>Cream-coloured pages</li>
<li>Can also be customised with other techniques such as <span class="azul-brildor-negrita">screen printing</span>, <span class="azul-brildor-negrita">UV DTF</span> or <span class="azul-brildor-negrita">vinyl</span></li>
<p> </p>
<p><a name="know-more2"></a></p>
<p><strong>THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND</strong></p>
<li>When sublimating, leave the lower PU leather part out of the press to avoid damage. It is not heat resistant</li>
<li>The colour of the notebooks will blend with the image you wish to print. To minimise this effect, choose designs with dark colours</li>
<li>During sublimation, marks may appear on the fabric. To remove them, it is recommended to brush the sublimated area after pressing</li>
<p> </p>
<p><a name="know-more3"></a></p>
<td><strong>Notebook (cm)</strong></td>
<td><span class="azul-negrita">14.5 x 21</span></td>
<td><strong>Printable area (corduroy) (cm)</strong></td>
<td><span class="azul-negrita">14.5 x 13.5</span></td>
<td><strong>Bookmark (cm)</strong></td>
<td><span class="azul-negrita">0.7 x 27.5</span></td>
<p><strong>Weight (g)</strong></p>
<td><span class="azul-negrita">255</span></td>
<p> </p>
<p><a name="know-more5"></a></p>
<p>Parameters indicated as <strong>guidelines</strong>. It is recommended to conduct preliminary tests to make necessary adjustments before starting production.</p>
<li>Print the design in <strong>mirror mode</strong></li>
<li>Heat the press to <span class="azul-negrita">200 ºC</span></li>
<li>Place the notebook on the press base and the printed side of the paper on the notebook side you wish to sublimate. Secure it with heat-resistant tape to prevent movement</li>
<li>Close the press with <strong>medium-high pressure</strong> for <span class="azul-negrita">45 seconds</span></li>
<li>Using a protective glove, remove the freshly printed notebook</li>
<li>Carefully remove the paper</li>
<li>Allow the notebook to cool by placing weight on it to prevent loss of flatness or deformation of the covers</li>